Prayer for beginners

Many people, even people who have been churched, do not know how to really pray.

They either think of it as a wish list, positive affirmations, or something like that. Some people have an idea that it is supposed to be conversational. Others may thinking of it as something route that you do as a habit like your personal hygiene.

None of what you will see below is original to me. I have compiled it from scripture, the desert fathers, and many Christians who went before me.

The target of prayer is to become one with God in childlike vulnerability.

You are not to try and impress. You do not need to use many words.  You do not need to use big words.  The best way to pray, is to pray often. 

Here is a guide for people who either never learned how to pray, or are open to considering a new method to improve. If you would like to download the following blog post as a PDF, no signup is necessary, simply select the button below.

When learning to pray, a good model is helpful. Undo pressure is placed on people to pray “original” prayers. Original is beneficial. But what if you do not know what to say or are afraid to sound foolish? What if you are stuck? 

The target of prayer is to be “one” with God in childlike vulnerability. Not to impress. You do not need to use many words.  You do not need to use big words.  The best way to pray, is to pray often. 

When you do not have your own words, it is most helpful to borrow others. 

The practice 

1. Find a chair. Abandon your phone. It will be alright.  Adopt a suitable posture (see below).
If you live in Traverse City like we do, you could choose a spot on a trail, or a park bench when the weather is nice. Hunters might choose their tree stand!

2. Pray: “God my Father, I come to you by the Lord Jesus Christ, through the Holy  Spirit.” It may feel uneasy to pray to God the Father depending on your view of  fathers. It is OK to feel uneasy. Please persevere.

3. Begin with this passage. Read it aloud slowly, and then again in your heart  toward God. Psalm 100:5 - 

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.  

4. Repeat it ten times or more, slowly, and carefully consider the words. This is  what Christians call “meditation.” It is repeating God’s word so as to internalize it. 


5. Redirect from the distraction that will come by noticing the distraction, and saying  out loud or in your heart “God, I am trusting you to hold this while I pray.”  Some    find it helpful to have a pad of paper to write things down. The phone is tough because of notifications that will draw you away from your aim of oneness with God. Now your mental distractions are something else. They are normal and expected by God. He knows the complexity of your life and the  flightiness of your mind. Persevere in redirection. 

5. It is possible that as you pray about God’s goodness, you will feel shame or guilt. Feelings of unworthiness may come. It is appropriate to admit these  areas, without becoming fixated. You might pray: “God I sinned in this way. I can’t undo what I have done. I trust you to forgive me because you are  merciful.” And redirect to praying your passage. Do not fixate on sin. It is not helpful. Fixating on God IS HELPFUL.

6. After you have prayed your passage many times, thank God for the good things  he has given you. Pause for a moment to picture the person or thing you are thankful for, and from your heart thank him by repeating the passage once more.  

7. After all these things, you may ask the Lord for something you think you need or want. Defer to his judgment, but earnestly ask for the things you desire. If you get it wrong, do not worry. Prayer fixes praying. Pray as though the things you have  prayed for are already occurring. If it is against God’s will, he will gently correct you. 

Something like: “God I am asking you to heal my mother’s illness. I thank you for  healing her in response to my prayer.” 

8. Close your time of prayer with listening. Perhaps pray: “speak Lord, your servant  is listening.” God is capable of speaking to you in a way you will understand. 

Suitable postures 

1. Kneeling on the floor with hands folded or together. Some find it helpful to  kneel, and then lower themselves until their head touches the floor. 

2. Laying facedown on the floor. (Referred to as prostrate). 

3. Standing, with hands raised in the air or folded. 

4. Seated toward the front of a chair. (So as not to fall asleep if weary).


It is not to be rushed. But as a beginner, do not put undo pressure on yourself to go  for extended periods of time. God is not impressed by many words. 

After some time, you may decide to use a different passage of scripture.

The Journey Church, Traverse City

TC Journey is a Traverse City church community of Christ-followers where the Word of God, hospitality and evangelism are woven into one common thread. When you walk through our doors, you will sense a welcoming spirit of warmth, friendliness and acceptance that lives in every area of our ministry.

From worship services to children, youth, and adult programs, we teach biblical truth to develop the spiritual maturity of our attenders. Here, we are also dedicated to building strong and loving relationships. Relationships that, when witnessed outside the church, actively influence our community and culture with the living testimony of Christ’s redeeming and healing power.

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