Prayer Time

At TC Journey Church we believe that prayer changes things. I like to help people understand that God made us, loves us, and wants to communicate with us. In my office window, I have this sign. Whenever it is light outside, the sign cuts out a silhouette that reminds me of this truth.

A sign that says "prayer changes things" in a window

As a biblically based church, we consider the Bible as our foremost authority on matters of life.

Psalm 119: 27 (NIV) says “Cause me to understand the way of your precepts, that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds.”

How is that prayer different or the same from how you were taught to pray growing up?

Maybe growing up you thought of prayer as being the way to get things you want from God. Or, as a last ditch effort to get out of a pinch. Or, a meaningless ritual where you said the same things over and over, never understanding or thinking about what they meant.

How is that different from the Psalmists prayer?
The intersection between the prayer “cause me to understand,” and an interaction with God’s word “meditate on your wonderful deeds” is a different way of thinking about prayer.

It seems like the Psalmist believed that prayer changes things. Beginning it would seem, with one’s self.
Do you pray for God to change you? Why or why not?

At Traverse City Journey Church, we meet together for prayer on Wednesday nights at 6:30. If you want to join a prayer community, think about coming out to pray with us. We find it often changes us.

Luke Morgan
Pastor @ TC Journey Church

The Journey Church, Traverse City

TC Journey is a Traverse City church community of Christ-followers where the Word of God, hospitality and evangelism are woven into one common thread. When you walk through our doors, you will sense a welcoming spirit of warmth, friendliness and acceptance that lives in every area of our ministry.

From worship services to children, youth, and adult programs, we teach biblical truth to develop the spiritual maturity of our attenders. Here, we are also dedicated to building strong and loving relationships. Relationships that, when witnessed outside the church, actively influence our community and culture with the living testimony of Christ’s redeeming and healing power.

Food, together with people.


Butterflies & Moths